Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Pameran Trofi Liga - Liga Eropa di PRJ

Trofi Premier League dan Seri A Akan Dipamerkan di PRJ

Amalia Dwi Septi - detikSport
Jumat, 28/06/2013 19:37 WIB
Getty Images/Alex Livesey
Jakarta - Enam buah trofi, termasuk trofi Premier League dan Seri A, bakal dipamerkan di Jakarta. Trofi tersebut bisa dilihat di Pekan Raya Jakarta pada 29-30 Juni.

Enam trofi tersebut didatangkan oleh MP&Silva sebagai bagian dari peluncuran beIN sport, sebuah channel olahraga baru di Indonesia yang akan menayangkan liga-liga luar negeri pada musim 2013-14.

Enam trofi tersebut terdiri dari Trofi Premier League, Seri A, Ligue 1 Prancis, Piala FA, Capital One (dulu Carling Cup), dan NPower Championship (Trofi Divisi Championship Liga Inggris).

Direktur Marketing Komunikasi MP&Silva Elgan Kua mengatakan pihaknya sengaja mendatangkan trofi-trofi tersebut untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada masyarakat Indonesia dapat melihat bahkan menyentuh langsung trofi-trofi itu.

"Kami memberikan kesempatan kepada masyarakat untuk melihat langsung trofi yang selama ini hanya bisa disaksikan melalui layar televisi," ujar dia.

Rencananya, trofi-trofi itu sudah bisa dipamerkan dan dipotret oleh awak media, Jumat (28/6/2013) ini. Namun, sampai sore tadi trofi tersebut masih tertahan di pihak imigrasi.

"Kami mohon maaf kepada media karena kami belum bisa membawa trofi itu ke sini. Karena masih tertahan di keimigrasian. Kami mengira prosesnya akan cepat."

"Namun ternyata sulit, tidak seperti di negara lainnya. Tapi untuk besok, sudah bisa dilihat di Pekan Raya Jakarta."

Comment :
Indonesian society especially the jakarta get good news, especially football enthusiast. yak jakarta fair makes the event promoter interested in doing exhibitions League Cup - Europe's top leagues, like the English league, Italian Series A league, and the league - other leagues. the opportunity to take pictures holding the trophy can even directly in the jakarta fair. when else can take pictures and immediately hold the trophy has ever held also by top European players in jakarta fair if it was not this time.

Komentar :
Masyarakat indonesia khususnya masyarakat jakarta mendapatkan kabar baik, apalagi penggila sepakbola. yak adanya event jakarta fair membuat promotor tertarik untuk melakukan pameran piala liga - liga top eropa, seperti liga inggris, liga italia seri a, dan liga - liga lainnya. masyarakat berkesempatan berfoto bahkan dapat memegang piala tersebut secara langsung di jakarta fair tersebut. kapan lagi bisa berfoto dan memegang langsung piala yg pernah dipegang juga oleh pemain top eropa kalau bukan di jakarta fair kali ini.

Rabu, 17 April 2013


Answering Questions TOEFL Listening :
a.       In the listening section in the TOEFL test, there are many things that can affect achievement scores include:

· Quality Tool Players

Quality crisp and clear sound of cassette players or CD will be a positive influence on the concentration of the test participants.

· Speech of Delivery (rate of speech rate)

Rate of speed sentences that were raised by the speaker must be able to be captured well by the audience in order to understand the purpose of the conversation.

· Verbs Idiomatic Expression and Multipart

Without knowing idiomatic Expression and Multipart Verbs, it is difficult for test takers to answer the listening test with regard to both of these.

b. Trial Hearing (Listening Test) in TOEFL

· Short Conversations (Short Dialogues)

In the face of a short conversation test, the easiest trick is to look for similarities or synonym of the core conversation itself. The types are: restate (restatement), negative and positive response statement or otherwise, suggestions (suggestion), passive sentences (passives), who and where (who and where), and approval (agreement).

· Dialog Length (Long Dialogues)

In a long dialogue, we are not only required to understand the main idea of the conversation, but also must be able to recall the details of things that are in the conversation. The main requirement to make it easier to answer questions of this type is the ability to hear (listening skills) and advanced levels given the level of capability that is really good

· Discussion Pannjang (Long Talks)

Process to answer this question is no different from the process of answering a long dialogue. In addition to the ability level of advance, notice that the questions in the order issued definitive information that we listen to.

Sumber: http://id.shvoong.com/humanities/linguistics/2353340-strategi-praktis-memperoleh-skor-toefl/#ixzz2QjtUcV8z